Author: admin

Machine Learning for smart prosthetic control.

When I joined IIT-D, I had a brief stint in the neuro-mechanics research lab at the centre for biomedical engineering (CBME). Here, I worked extensively on gait analysis and prosthetic development for trans-femoral amputees. I made odd circuits that controlled the actuators of artificial knees, collected amputee gait data; to a considerable depth – learnt […]

A small lesson

I have learnt a very small but an important lesson in just the last two months-That, all glories are false and all successes, futile. What really enriches the soul is love. The companionship in which there is warmth and a belonging. A calling of the soul that reminds you of your home; with your loved […]

A Suicide Note

This is a suicide note. Of course, it is obvious from the title but I am yet undead. No, it is not one of those days which went bad for me. In fact, I had a very successful day. Something, many youngsters in my country would die to live in. I won’t get into the […]